Types of Tree Pruning
When it comes to pruning your trees, there isn’t a “one size fits all” option. While your arborist will certainly be able to recommend the ideal type of tree pruning for your trees, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the different types of trimming for your knowledge. Below we will dive into the six most commonly used types of tree trimming and what they entail.
1. Crown Cleaning
The most basic form of pruning, crown cleaning involves removing dead, diseased and broken branches. This is the pruning form people are most familiar with, but it can be tricky for the untrained eye to decipher between a healthy and diseased branch, so it’s still always best to hire a professional.
2. Crown Thinning
Like the name suggests, crown thinning involves the removal of branches to increase air flow and light penetration between tree limbs. The goal of crown thinning is to promote the health of the tree by reducing limb weight and by helping the tree maintain its natural shape. It’s important not to over thin the tree – you should always leave ¾ of the tree’s foliage alone.
3. Crown Restoration
Crown restoration is used after a tree has been damaged by a storm or vandalism. Branches are typically cut back shorter than normal, with the hope this will promote the tree to regrow and regenerate.
4. Crown Raising
Crown raising is used when tree limbs hang too low and are either inconvenient or dangerous. To raise a tree’s crown, the arborist will trim vertically, focusing on the branches closest to the ground. Sometimes only certain sections of the bottom portion of the tree are removed, while other times the entire lower half needs to be trimmed – it just depends on tree placement and what it’s blocking.
5. Crown Reduction
Similar to crown raising, crown reduction involves removing tree branches that are in the way. While crown raising focuses on the lower half of the tree, crown reduction focuses on removing branches from the tree tops that are obstructing buildings or signs. Crown reduction is also used when the height of a tree needs to be lowered; your arborist will trim the top of the tree to reduce the height or spread of the canopy.
6. Vista Pruning
This pruning type is used to ensure views from different vantage points are maintained. Vista pruning can involve removing entire branches, or heavy and light trimming. The techniques employed are dependent on the view the homeowner is trying to maintain.
We certainly hope this blog post has been helpful in determining what type of tree pruning your yard needs, but don’t forget, a professional arborist will always know best. Give our professional team at Brent’s Tree Service a call today for any of your tree trimming needs!